A review by alisarae
Spirit Run: A 6,000-Mile Marathon Through North America's Stolen Land by Noé Álvarez

This relay through the Americas was interesting to read because I like listening to books about endurance sports while I run. The book is very short, though, and I wish the author had delved deeper into pretty much every aspect of it. He barely scratched the surface on: histories of different tribes and their lands, oral histories of people he met (example: why was the Uruguayan author still in exile in Mexico? The dictatorship ended a long time ago, and now Uruguay is seen as a utopia, at least by Brazilians), as well as more descriptions of the run itself. Besides that, I guess I don't really like memoirs where people go on a journey to find themselves (Eat Pray Love, Wild, etc).

I disliked the audiobook narrator; I felt his stern, formal voice was not a good match for the personality and age of the author.

Overall, I would say that if you are already interested in reading about Indigenous issues, you would probably like this book. But if you don't care too much, reading this book likely won't spark a passion.