A review by caffeineandcatnapsreads
That's Not What Happened by Kody Keplinger


That's Not What Happened, by Kody Keplinger


School shooting, suicide, murder, bullying

This book, though fiction, hits close to home with its realness centring around school shootings and the aftermath that the survivors deal with.
Lee, who is one of the six survivors from a school shooting that took place three years ago, wants to share all six of their stories about the shooting publicly, including her best friends, Sarah. Lee, who was with her best friend Sara when she was shot and killed, wants the whole truth about the shooting to be made public, she wants to attempt to set the rumours about that day straight.
There's what people said happened, thought happened, assumed what happened, and then there's what really happened.
This book shows how the survivors deal with and handle the aftermath of such a tragedy in various different ways.