A review by pastathief
Big Girl by Meg Elison


This was good. I'm finding it hard to think of what else to say. It didn't electrify me, but I'm not sure why. Still, I read it through in my reading time without pause, and didn't dislike it at all. I just found it overall okay, which in many ways is the hardest sort of book to usefully review.

One thing I will say is that it was much shorter than I expected, which sat awkwardly with the section of the airport interview where they talked about how prolific she is. The interview itself was also less deep than it could have been. Ultimately, it did little for the book.

But the stories were good, and fine, and just never really transcended that for me. That's likely just me and I suspect many of you would love this book to bits.

As this was my first exposure to Meg Ellison, I'm still very interested in reading more, so in that sense it succeeded.