A review by booksreadbydeepti
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel


Money has never been a bargaining chip in my life and I have worked hard to keep it that way despite other people's perceptions of my money choices, because there was a reason which had me stuck with my few key choices, which obviously affected other areas in my life, so even though I was affected, I never let them get to me. Now obviously few things were clearing up during my healing, so i am slowly opening up to the idea of future. I decided to choose this book to be a guide.

I really liked the book. It introduced how financial decisions are made by most people and there are so many factors which need to be taken into account when investments are done. Also, even when they are done with sound thinking, there is a chance of them not working out well citing examples at the changes in economy in America over the past five decades.

It made me open up to possibly invest more but also accept my decisions made in the past.

All in all a really good book and i would recommend it to newbies like me who are starting to think about investing.