A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
The Spring Bride by Anne Gracie


This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

Rina's Thoughts

3.5 Cocktails

Jane is practical, a realist not the least bit dreamy, a standard for women in the 18th century. She grew up poor and scared most of her life struggling for food and shelter and running from men who sort to use her beauty for profit. Zach is angry at the world. denies where he came from, that is until it became an advantage to win Jane.

This book was a nice read but i felt like not much was explored. they both had backgrounds that i as a reader would have loved to delve into, create a stronger bond with the characters. it didn't feel like we even scratched the surface with these two. I get there was a book before this that might have explained at least Jane's background but even highlights would have gone a long way. Made the other books more attractive to me, a must read but it didn't.