A review by misterwisp
The Late Great Wizard by Sara Hanover


The pieces of the whole are good. I wish the whole was more gripping but I still liked it. It's a nice little piece of urban fantasy. I appreciated the main character being a university student struggling to get by in the world. It made it easier to connect with the character, yet at the same time harder because as a reader you are discovering and buying into the supernatural world of this book at the same time she is and that element felt a little roughly done. It's still nice she isn't a magical badass from the get go and has a good backstory.
The concept and character of the phoenix wizard was awesome, and the dwarven dude was great. There are magical relics, a mysterious organization, and a dark lord type figure of impending doom. All can be enjoyable. But the impending doom guy had some frustrating inconsistencies in his doom delivering capabilities in my opinion, and our little band of good guys are not always the sharpest tools in the shed in ways that are very maddening.
So to me the individual elements are done well, but I wish they had meshed better. There are some rough uneven aspects to the book but I still enjoyed reading it. Would recommend depending on how much you like urban fantasy and how demanding of a reader you are.