A review by crazy_book_lover_
The Empress Of Scarred Secrets by Andrea Corbin


Let me start by saying I didn’t know much about this book when I started it, I was drawn to it mainly because of that stunning cover but I just finished it and my. mind. is. blown! The Empress of Scarred Secrets by Andrea Corbin is such a great new adult fantasy romance I have no idea why I haven’t heard of it before. It is evenly paced with some great battle and action scenes but also fascinating politics that made me constantly want to know what happens next and made me finish this book in one sitting. Also the world described by the author was really unique, I don’t think I have ever read anything even slightly similar, I really liked it. The romance is slow burn but the moment Hadeon was introduced I knew I would love his and Verena’s relationship and I was not disappointed. I don’t want to accidentally spoil anything but I actually screamed at the end of the book, that epilogue was so unexpected and I absolutely cannot wait for the next book.