A review by talysalankil
Demon Eyes by Scott Tracey


Full review (including a recap with spoilers) on my blog, the Snark Theater.

Demon Eyes is an excellent follow-up to an already good book. Its plot feels much more cohesive, the stakes are upped, and overall everything is better.

Everything, but the romance. It grew a little stale and repetitive. Until the end, that is. This is the sort of mid-series romantic twist I hope/intend to achieve someday (hopefully without the "stale and repetitive" part beforehand).

Aside from that, it is a little sad that there was an entire subplot that only serves to set something up for the next book, but I guess it is necessary. Also, I wish the ladies of the book could have done a little more. Or, in Catherine's case, that there had been a little more hints of what she was doing. But I can't have everything, I guess.

Overall, a really good book. If the next one improves on this like this improves on Witch Eyes, we may get something really good.