A review by literielle
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry



this review is longgg overdue!

crazy how this was my first emily henry book and i have yet to write a review for this book!

it took me a while to finish this book or even start it because i just had a hard time going through the first section for some reason, as enjoyable as it was, it was definitely a difficult start, not because it was bad or anything, i just found the pacing to be a bit slow or idk! it just took me too long to get to the half point of the book and from the second half onwards, i just bulldozed through and ATE EVERYTHING UP! LMAOO

i think this is a good start to emily henry's bookography in my opinion because her other books are certainly better in terms of tropes, either that or i just don't really prefer the friends to lovers that much, but yes!

alex nilsen as a character, though he is a grown man who uses the snapchat dog filter and puppy face puppy face [i can't imagine calahan skogman doing a puppy face but i would love to see it], aside from that, he was a delightful male love interest who shows the delicate sides to masculinity, where he craves to be wanted not just for a quick one time thing, but someone who wants to settle and acts like it! his monologue of saying what he wanted in life and being disappointed that he'd just be poppy's any other vacation man made me cry because where are these wholesome men irl???

i couldn't truly connect with poppy's character since she and i are on DIFFERENT ends of the spectrum compared to how i was touched by january and harriet, but i appreciate her individuality and her humor! it was something i very much enjoyed reading through her perspective!

overall, the book was decent enough but i don't think it was emily henry's best work, especially compared to beach read (my personal fav), book lovers, and happy place!

TAKE NOTE: all of this is my own opinion, i am entitled to it LMAO! y'all can hate on beach read and love pwmov, but just take my words with a grain of salt.

i can't wait for funny story!