A review by perilous1
Aesop's Fables by George Fyler Townsend


As I went through this collection, I immediately recalled a dozen or so of these old tales that I'd been told as a small child. Lessons of 'Don't cry wolf', Greedy greedy makes a hungry puppy', and 'Necessity is the mother of invention' all stayed with me in one form or another, just as vividly as the parables that Jesus told in an effort to teach...and with the advantage (at least to my young mind) of involving animals.

With an abundance of talking animals and a few recurring Greek gods, these gathered metaphors are as elegant as they are timeless. Let slide the fact that every third or fourth story seems to involve an Ass, along with the issue that a few of these tidbits of wisdom might be seen as contradictory to each other. There are still plenty of universal truths to be gleaned, and recycled references in current culture to be identified.