A review by lis_
Sleeping Late on Judgement Day by Tad Williams


What a blast!

Sleeping Late on Judgement Day is one of the books you just can’t put down, no matter how tired or how late in the evening it might be. Someone wants something from you at work? Screw them. I’m reading important stuff here!

To me all three Bobby Dollar Books have been exceptional. I had way too much fun reading them and I’m hoping that we’ll see Bobby around some time in the future again.

At this point, however, Sleeping Late on Judgement Day is the “final” volume of the three Bobby-Dollar-Books.

It focuses on the aftermath of Bobby’s short and not-so-fun-vacation in hell (Happy Hour in Hell is the second volume which you should really read before SLoJD. And if you haven’t read the first book Dirty Streets of Heaven, start there. I mean, we were already expecting that things would get worse for Bobby… still, I wasn’t expecting this kind of worse. But read it yourselves… I don’t want to spoil any of the juicy details here :)

The book in itself is a just great. I especially like how it welcomes the reader. You easily get the feeling that Bobby is sitting across from you and telling you, as his trusted friend, about all his woes. Just get some beverages. You’ll need them.

And then you’re reading and like me, you’ll be unable to put the book down, because the story just takes you with it. The third volume felt very fast paced, giving you hardly the time to catch your breath. But it’s a good pace, because sometimes speeding just feels right, doesn’t it?
However, Sleeping Late on Judgement Day doesn’t offer answers to all questions raised throughout the series. In fact it raises quite a few more, which leaves me hoping we’ll hear more of Bobby soon.

A minor point of critique for me was that, while I quickly connected with a lot of characters, the old damsel in distress theme feels a bit over the top in the third book. I understand that you’re pretty screwed once some hell royalty adopts you as his property, but still…
In the end the book is over far too soon and leaves you wanting more Bobby. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this will happen!

P.S. Oh, and in case you’re wondering. I’m on “Team Clarence” (*cough* Harrison… sorry)! There! T-Shirts are already being printed…