A review by tucker4
Reign by May Sage


Normally books that span many years don't work for me. I don't know what it is, but I usually get bored or way too anxious to enjoy things. This is one of the first times that this format/story worked for me. The book begins when Kai is nine and Nalini is just born, and follows them through all of their major milestones and moments in their lives. I think it worked for me here because the author didn't dwell overlong on these moments, while giving me a complete look at their lives. There was so much covered, this could easily be expanded into an epic. But I would have been anxiously waiting for them to get together since they are separated (for the most part) until about the 60% mark when Nalini is about 27. I actually enjoyed the first half a bit more than the second. The ending wasn't as strong as I would have liked and the sex scene (happens close to the end) was a bit intense for my taste.
SpoilerThe first time they have sex, Kai sticks the hilt of a whip in her ass...without asking her first!
Frankly all the sex-related parts of this book were a little jarring and didn't quite fit within the story well.
SpoilerThe other being the solstice where there is a bacchanalia.