A review by fdevestation
Zoo City by Lauren Beukes

Did not finish book. Stopped at 53%.
I didn't finish the book. The reason was that I didn't feel that the book was giving me anything.
 The language was dry and the scenarios were difficult to visualize. I was many times lost, who the main character was speaking to or where she even was.
The plot is realllly slow. It took 200 pages and that could've fitted in 50 pages. 
The world building was interesting, I like the idea of the world and I hope the book would have explained it in more detail. 
When i had read past 100 pages, I found out some major things about the protagonist. It affected greatly how I imagine the main protagonist and I was not happy they mentioned those facts so far into the book . The things mentioned:
Spoiler I thought she was a light skinned teenager/young adult, but she is in fact 30!! And also it was near 200 pages when the book wrote that she's dark skinned!
Of course these facts don't make her less of a good character, but the big change in the protagonist twice over broke the character for me.