A review by lolasreviews
Obscura Burning by Xan van Rooyen

Did not finish book.
I got a copy in exchange for an honest review

I DNF'd this book at 44%. While it wasn't the book for me, I did want answers and that's what kept me reading for quite some time. Obscura Burning is an original book in which the main character lives in two times or different realities and while this made for a confusing story I was intrigued and wanted to know what caused it. The story switches between these two realities en in one reality the main character in scarred and one of his friend is alive. In the other reality he isn't scarred and another friend is alive and the other death. Also there are differences in how certain character act and treat the main character and it was difficult keeping track of the changes and who acted like what in which reality.

I had some difficulties connecting with the main character, he doesn't remember the night of the fire that changed his life and I am really wondering if he did something really stupid that night or if it really was an accident. I didn't care about the main character, but I do want answers. I felt like there wasn't enough information about who he is, there is a lot of story, but not enough focus on the main character and how he feels. It's all a bit confusing.

While it's certainly an interesting and original book, it just wasn't the book for me. The whole two reality things was confusing and a bit weird and I had difficulties connecting with the main character.