A review by an_honest_puck
Land of the Beautiful Dead by R. Lee Smith


-An interesting take on the post-apocalyptic zombie setting
-Good writing that does not shy away from depicting all skin-crawling horrors, atrocities, and gory details
-A marvelous and highly intriguing Male Lead
-Some great side characters (I want to personally gift Master Wickham a 'Best Undead Teacher' mug)

- STUPID BITCHY LAN: the peabrained Female Lead with the emotional intelligence of a sack of potatoes. She has single-handedly ruined my enjoyment of reading this book. I have never before encountered a Heroine that annoyed me, angered me, gave me painful second-hand embarrassment as much as this halfwit did.

---Rant incoming---
Lan is the most unlikable character I have had the displeasure of reading about. Lan is dumb as rocks, obnoxious, childish, extremely tone-deaf, a huge hypocrite, and a selfish, ungrateful girl that gives off huge 'I'm not like the other girls' and 'Pick Me' vibes simultaneously. And the worst part is that she doesn't get any better. Lan is a passive, static character that goes through little to no growth or development. How you meet her is how you will find her at the end of the novel. I loathed Lan :|. Serafina's feelings mirror my own:

Serafina’s pretty face twisted with disdain. “He changed the world for you. What further declaration do you require?”
“I don’t expect you to understand, but sometimes a lady needs to hear the words.”
Serafina sniffed and went back to the wardrobe for a pair of slippers. “You are the most appallingly selfish creature I’ve ever met.”

This novel deserved a better heroine. I am sincerely sorry and feel shame in its characters' behalf, that they got Lan. If I were stuck, holding a gun with two bullets, inside a room with an Eater and Lan, I would shoot Lan twice, simply out of pure spite.

If anyone is considering picking up Land of The Beautiful Dead, but doesn't want to suffer through this hell, I recommend reading the author's other much superior book, [b:Cottonwood|17563213|Cottonwood|R. Lee Smith|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1362690504l/17563213._SX50_.jpg|24495752], instead.