A review by briarrose1021
Daughter of Flood and Fury by Levi Jacobs


I loved this book! The world-building was really good; with the religions setting the sexes against each other by forcing the separation in the education and setting up the other as the enemy. With that background, it's no wonder that Alatheia's presence in the temple where only males have been before being the spark that launches the coup against her father, against her, which is what pushed her to rebel against the coup by trying to dig for the truth. And what a truth it is that she finds. So good.

The audiobook was also good for an author-read book. There were some production issues where there were differences in the recording from chapter to chapter that made it sound like a different narrator from one to the next chapter at times. Still, the author's knowledge and passion for his book come through with his narration which makes it a good listen.

With the way this book ends, I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the series. I need to find out what happens next.