A review by slumbreon
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab


Now, monster books are really not my forte. I can’t remember the last time I’ve picked up a book featuring monsters prior to this one, and to be completely honest that is why I have put this series off for so long, even though I am well aware of the buzz and I adore VE Schwab. Of course, I regret waiting so long to pick this book up. Of course, since I have only read VE Schwab’s adult books, I could tell that there was a difference in this one compared to her other novels, but compared to the YA genre that this book falls into, it’s a real triumph. It was perfectly fast paced, creepy, and of course had the memorable and loveable characters that VE Schwab is so SO good at writing.

For a monster book, there was very little plot going on, but for some reason that didn’t stop me from flying through this novel, hanging on the edge of my seat to find out what was coming next. Despite the lack of concrete plot, the pacing was fabulous. It was fast paced and easy to get into and navigate the world. It was daunting at first to learn all the different monsters at first, but that catchy little song on the back cover actually does a pretty good job of identifying them. Plus, VE Schwab is an exquisite writer, and honestly her words are so much fun to devour.

The real thing that shone in this novel were the characters. Both Kate and August were so real and fleshed out and distinct from one another, yet complemented each others narratives nicely. I think that the third person narrative lended itself very nicely to this story, and both Kate and August had a very distinct voice. I loved Kate’s internal struggle. She wants to be inhuman, with no emotions or feelings, and is constantly being betrayed by herself. Watching her struggle with her internal debate was so complicated and deep. This girl has so many layers to her and has been through so much strife it’s unbelievable. I love her. She’s cold and ruthless and her voice actually carries a bite that she can back up with her actions. While she’s no Lada (who are we kidding, Lada’s on a totally different plane of ruthlessness), Kate is a strong female lead who holds her own in battle.

Then there’s August. Sweet, conflicted, saddened August. I felt so bad for him, thrust into this life that he wanted no part of. He has a high level of vulnerability that is so easy to relate to, and he has such a large heart you can’t help but find at least one aspect of him that you want to protect. I think that the commentary that his character provides on being cruel even when you don’t want to is interesting, but overall he was the most loveable monster I have ever read about.

This story is a great YA fantasy/paranormal, especially in a genre that in my opinion has been rather lackluster as of late. VE Schwab’s gorgeous writing style and memorable and loveable characters and dark, twisting narrative are a thrilling combination that everyone, no matter what genre you normally enjoy, can find entertainment in.