A review by zabcia
Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism by Georgia Byng



"Molly had this special feeling tonight, as if something exciting or strange were about to happen to her. The last time she'd felt special, she'd found a half-eaten packet of candy on the pavement in the village. The time before, she'd gotten away with watching two hours of evening television instead of one. Molly wondered what surprise would greet her this time."

This was pretty cute, though the ending felt a bit odd to me. Molly suddenly became very adult-like, despite being distinctly childish for the previous 4/5 of the book. I also didn't really get why Nockman did that little bit of thievery towards the end, though after seeing that this is part of series, I suppose that may have something to do with it - still, it felt like an out-of-place tidbit to have tossed in. Loneliness was a big theme towards the beginning and ends of the book, and I think there could've been a few moments sprinkled in throughout the middle section to make the point better. I was a bit appalled by Molly's blatant abuse of her hypnosis powers, but I'm sure being an adult has something to do with that.

"A moment later she was practically blown out of the water. Molly slammed her hand on the button again and the bubbles stopped. She wasn't sure about the Jacuzzi. It was like ten monsters farting in her bath all at once."

"People aren't liking the real me. They're liking something unreal. Like an ad. They're liking a sort of fake Molly Moon. So it makes the real me feel like rubbish, and my life here is just a waste of time, because it's not the real Molly Moon's life."

"Without the structure of school and rules, and by not having anything to fight against anymore, they'd fought one another and broken their alliances. With their gang smashes, they'd all had to stand alone. And then they'd had to face themselves, and they didn't like what they'd found."