A review by bargainbookquest
Signs of Cupidity by Raven Kennedy


I haven't laughed this much while reading a book as I did with this one in a very long time. I highlighted and noted a bunch of things, which I never do.

Who knew being a cupid would have so many rules and rankings and sort of a police office or whatever. Quotas to fill or what have you? Giving love, and such and never getting anything in return for yourself would definitely be sucky and I probably wouldn,t be able to deal.

I loved Emelle and Ronak, Evert and Sylred and fun to read. Especially Evert. The flirting and everything.

If I had had enough time, I probably would have reasd this in one day. Maybe two max but real life obliges. It was a really fun and fast read and I cannot wait to continue to read Emelle's adventures in the fae realm!!