A review by wordsareweapons
Churchill's Hellraisers: The Thrilling Secret Ww2 Mission to Storm a Forbidden Nazi Fortress by Damien Lewis


Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a copy for review.

This was such an enjoyable and informative read about a part of WW2 that is honestly, vastly overlooked when one talks or reads about the war. I was completely enthralled by the story of Lees, Farran and their motley crew of Italian partisans, and the wide variety of people that joined their fight in the Italian mountains. I didn't realize just how much guerilla warfare took place during WW2 but there was quite a bit. By the time we start this part of the war Lees and Farran had both amassed a slew of hit-and-run operations at quite young ages. That was another, slightly mind blowing fact, most of these guys had huge reputations at the ages of 20 to 25 years old.

I really enjoyed the way Lewis set out the story as well. It honestly read more like a story than just straight out facts with dry statistics. You really feel yourself pulled into what these guys were going through. I for one, am definitely intrigued and will be checking out a few of the books mentioned in the bibliography that go into more detail of each of these individuals wartime lives.