A review by allisonsroses
Broken Prince, by Erin Watt


Here I am again. What is the genre for this book? Smutty violent fairytale re-telling?
I'm so into it.
Spoiler free first.
This one picks up where the last book left off but this time we get Reeds POV from the night Ella ran off. And it's not what I expected, but I love when things aren't what I expect. However I don't know how big of a fan I am of this whole Brooke plot- but I'll get into that later.
Ella is the same as she has been but obviously now broken hearted and not in the same location as everyone else. POV shifts back and forth and it's interesting being in Reeds mind.
I still adore Easton, but he's having a hard time in this book. Sebastian/Sawyer are doing the same shit they did in the first book- being basically irrelevant unless needed for numbers. And sharing a girlfriend. (?!??)
Brooke is obviously a psycho. Daniel is still around. Val just gets better. That's really all that can be said without spoilers so...


Ella comes back pretty quickly, I mean we have a kind of long POV of Reed for the time that she's gone, but thank god she's not gone too long because I wasn't interested in reading some second book slump new moon type shit. I don't know what's wrong with me but I wanted her to forgive Reed a lot quicker than she did. I guess that's because it's pretty clear from his POV that he really cares about her a lot.
It bugged me that his reason for not saying anything in the moment before she ran away was being shocked. Like really? I get that it's a lot to take in, but you're in a bad spot here and you need to do some quick damage control so get to talking. I just don't see it being possible that he wouldn't come to to explain himself as soon as he saw Ella upset.
The Brooke pregnancy thing was just meh to me. Okay so Reed confirms to the reader that it can't be his baby and both he AND Brooke tell Ella that and she doesn't believe them so it just drags on even as he's obsessively trying to win her back. The guy is literally sleeping outside her door to make sure she's safe/still there/near him. So I was glad when they got back together but there wasn't much time for that with the whole stabbing and then murder mystery drop.

I'm glad we find out more about what the fucks up Gideon's ass. That was irritating in the first book so now I'm guessing it needs to be resolved in the third because as far as I know it's a trilogy??

I was happy with Easton being mad at Reed for Ella running away. I love him and I love his and Ella's relationship. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about how they made out in the first book but it's pretty easy to excuse that when making out is child's play in this universe.

So do we think Reed killed Brooke? I don't know. In most situations I'd say no because that's too obvious, but in this case we aren't all about the shock factor we're just about the messiest mess happening. And it's a messier mess if he did it. However it could be cool if he did do it or if he didn't, in different ways, and who else would it be? East? Callum? Or maybe.....

Fucking Steve.
Shows up in the last pages and I don't know where that's going but I assume that one reason is that maybe we can't excuse Ella and Reed living in the same house forever? But at the same time I was fine with that just being what it is. So I don't know how he will play into this but he could definitely be a suspect for killing Brooke. If he even remembers who he is beyond knowing who's door to knock on. That could happen.

I'm thankful that these books come out every three or so months not once a year. I still hate waiting though.