A review by kyratt
Spellbound by Blake Charlton


It has been a while since I have read the previous book, but enough of the plot was repeated to make it understandable. In the beginning the character Francesca annoyed me. She didn't seem a believable female character with her weird crudeness and lack of inner thought and emotions. Around the middle of the book this was corrected completely. The attempts at puns and humour were a little too much for me though and not all the dialogue was great.
The story had alot of great fast paced action scenes that were fun to read through. The story was interesting and the world beautifully intricate, though hard to follow sometimes (which faction had which gods, demons..). The flying magic was great, and described amazingly visually. I could see the kites and airships as I was reading about them. The manipulation of cloth was something I have never read about in this way before.
For the originality and the story (and pace) it gets four stars from me. Very curious about part 3!