A review by brontherun
Women Rowing North: Navigating Life's Currents and Flourishing as We Age by Mary Pipher


I think this book is about how the author (and other women) learned to make smarter decisions about emotions, health, and relationships. It provides good reminders about being present and having perspective, but nothing particularly new or ground breaking.

Based on her reminiscing and targeting an Elder audience this feels like Pipher's final attempt to shape her own narrative, as well as document the stories of other women. In fact, part of the book seemed particularly to indicate this, at least to me:

"We could define wisdom as the capacity to skillfully select our narratives. When we do this, we experience our lives as filled with meaning. Every present-day event resonates with the decades of past events. We can be grateful for everything that led us to the moment we are inhabiting. This is how life becomes sacred. It is hallowed by story."

It is a quick and easy read, so in that sense you can enjoy it like you might a casual conversation with a friend. But if you are looking for more of a self-help or guidance on aging, this doesn't do much in that vein.