A review by jessenreadsromance
The Conqueror by Brenda Joyce


Content warning!
Non-consensual scenes abound in this one, starting from chapter one.

It’s a risk you take when reading books published during this time but I still had hope for this enemies-to-lovers romance. Unfortunately, the story almost doubles down on how far is too far and pushes both characters to the limits. How many betrayals does it take before the hero or heroine washes their hands of the relationship?

I was extremely frustrated with both Ceidre and Rolfe. There was almost no desire for compromise or understanding the others’ perspectives. Loyalty is the only thing that mattered even if it was misplaced. One of my biggest complaints was that Ceidre continually trusted her evil sister, Alice, knowing that Alive hated her and would do anything to see her severely punished or even dead. How thick can you be?! Tons of lust, little true romance.

Watch my review here: