A review by sunrae_booknook
The Myth of June by A.B. Daniels-Annachi


I was provided a free advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

A few things that immediately turned me off from this book was the sexual assault right off the bat and then followed up with domestic abuse.
**Edit*** I saw the author make a tiktok stating there was trigger warnings. I did NOT find them in the book copy that was provided to me and went back to check to make sure I wasn’t crazy. The only thing I could find that hinted at this was this was a Medusa retelling which if you don’t know that story is not a good warning. They are listed on her website.****

The story is set in the 1920s but all the characters read as modern men and women from the dialogue to their actions. June rolls her eyes a lot and It felt very juvenile to have her reactions to things be downgraded to mild annoyed sighing and eye rolling. I felt like there could have been a bit more research for that time period to make it feel more authentic. Plus there was an over explanation on things like diner maintenance, or creating a receipt for “art”. **Edit** I get that this was set in an alternate universe. I’m not looking for “Gatsby” style writing but if you’re going for a particular vibe and set it in a particular time frame I would expect more to make it feel more like that actual time period.

The pacing was just very off for me. I really wanted to like this story. I love anything to do with mythology, but it was lacking and I’m not exactly sure where to pinpoint it. Plus I hate anything to do with a pregnancy troupe, even more so when the pregnancy happens from rape. I also had a hard time with all the women hating vibes, especially when they were geared at Eris and basically called her a floosy for no reason other than she went on a date with Henry… **Edit** I am responding to the review that happens to be taking on my review point for point now. There was women hating vibes geared towards the mother too for “moving on too fast” after the father disappears. It was small comments like these that felt more like internalized Misogyny than anything else. I’m not disagreeing with the fact that times were hard for women back in the 1920s but you can’t have it both ways. It can’t be oh alternate universe that’s why this feels more modern and then oh it’s just how it was back then. **Edit end*** That was part of the pacing problem too.

The potential is there, it just didn’t deliver for me. That doesn’t mean it won’t be someone’s next favorite read. These are just the issues I had with the book and I’m also going by Goodreads stars meant for books. 2 is I liked it.