A review by slferg
Hidden History of Fort Smith, Arkansas by Ben Boulden


Interesting, but probably more so to a resident of Fort Smith. Still, there were some fascinating tidbits of history - activity, people, conditions revealed.
A woman born in Fort Smith, Thyra Samter became an actress, writer, reporter, etc. in the wider world. I found it interesting that her books reflected life in Fort Smith - apparently thinly veiled and based on goings on in the town. Her books were stolen from the library three times at least, and are now held only for on-site perusal — they can't be checked out! I found some as ebooks and have begun to read - they are well written.
There are some murders, much written about the growth of the town and how it spread and took over nearby communities. The histories of the streets are interesting since Fort Smith lies along two rivers. Garrison Street, I think, is supposed to be the widest street in the country, with two other streets little wider. The bridges that were originally built over the river into Texas and Oklahoma have been destroyed because of the increase of barge traffic and the change of the river to control flooding. If you have any knowledge of the area at all (and even if you don't), the book is interesting in it's account of the establishment and growth of a city.