A review by thewitchybibliophile
Beauty Mark by Stephie Walls


Emotional. Heartbreaking. Brilliant. Stunning. Those are only a few words that come to mind with this book. In a lot of ways, I can relate to Callie and how her emotions were all over the place. I felt so much of her story mirrored my own life and I found myself engrossed in this book from the first few chapters.
I really enjoyed the ups and downs this book had. Not just the relationships but also watching Callie become an author and her struggles to fame. And Liam. Oh man. I want a Liam. He is such a alpha but with this soft heart that makes you want to steal him and keep him as your own. Davis..... well I honestly wanted to smack him so so many times but thankfully he semi redeemed himself. I loved the bond between Callie and Hayden. They played so well off of each other.
Overall, this is one amazing story. I devoured it in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down. One book I highly recommend!