A review by briarrose1021
Not If I Can Help It by Carolyn Mackler


Willa is in fifth grade and has Sensory Processing Disorder. Though things haven't always been great, life has been pretty good recently. Yes, she can't stand tags in clothing, or seams in socks, or the texture of yogurt, and various other things as a result of the SPD, but she has her best friend Ruby and the occupational therapist, Maureen, that she sees twice a week, and she's going to be getting a dog (finally!!!!) at the end of the school year.

Once thing that Willa definitely doesn't like is change. And, suddenly, change is all Willa is experiencing. Especially when her dad tells her that he's been dating Ruby's mom, for almost 2 years, and they're in love. As the changes begin to roll in, it's more that Willa can handle. She's not going along with these changes. Absolutely NOT! Not if she can help it!

Mackler did such a great job with Willa's characterization and the description of what it's like to have Sensory Processing Disorder, as well as the anxiety of other people finding out. The character descriptions and development of the other characters are also done exceptionally well. It's so great to see kids with disabilities, especially disabilities that are often invisible, as the protagonists of books.

I really enjoyed the growth that Willa goes through over the course of the book. I don't want to say too much about the changes, because I don't want to spoil anything from the plot, but seeing her get hit with all the changes that crop up and learn how to deal with them was great; her growth was made even better by the self-reflection she engages in throughout the novel. This is definitely a great book that would be great for any middle-grades reader.

I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Taylor Meskiman, and loved it. Meskiman's performance was spot on, and the voice work for the characters was perfect - even down to the voice of the teacher actually sounding like she was congested from allergies. It was the first audiobook that I've listened to with her as a narrator and after this audiobook, I've added her to the list of narrators that I don't question before getting the audiobook.