A review by browneyesblue84
Star Wars: The Last Jedi by Jason Fry


“ Let the past die, kill it if you have to.” Kylo Ren

I’m one of the few people that (despite its flaws) liked Star Wars The Last Jedi. I was looking forward to reading the Novelization as soon as I heard that author Jason Fry was named as the author. I have not read any of Fry’s previous novel, but I can say that I enjoyed reading this book. His style of writing made me feel engaged even in the parts that I was too found of movie wise. I wish that the movie had included the extra parts that were added into this story. The book in my opinion was well written. He remained true not only to the script, but to the story itself and answered many of the questions that I had about the characters in specific scenes.

I had no expectations while reading the book. I approached it with an open mind. As a fan of the Star Wars series as a whole , I love all the characters even the evil ones. This new series gave me more characters to like. Now the elephant in the room regarding this book is Reylo, the relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey. Some have said that this movie made the paring canon. I beg to differ. Rey felt like she could help Kylo and bring him towards the light. I did not get any indication that she let any romantic feelings towards him. She pitied him at first and then realized that he was a lost cause. Kylo in the other hand will more than likely carry his twist infatuation into episode 9.

The Last Jedi Novelization falls into the science fiction category. I started reading sci fi books because of the new Star Wars trilogy. This book being the fourth I have read so far. I recommend this book to anyone who had watched the movie. I say give it a chance because again it answers questions that are left in your mind after the movie ended. Even if you did not enjoy the movie, I truly believe that you will enjoy the book. There are some scenes that were cut out of the script or left on the cutting room floor that are included in this book.