A review by missprint_
Boy and Bot by Ame Dyckman


Friends can come in all shapes and sizes--just ask Boy and Bot. This unlikely duo meet and have a grand time together until something goes wrong when Bot is rolling down the hill. Boy takes him home to help, but will he be able to nurse the robot back to health? Later, when Bot finds the boy has malfunctioned, will be able to repair the boy?

Boy + Bot (2012) by Ame Dyckman with illustrations by Dan Yaccarino is a delightful story that shows friendships can come in all shapes and sizes.

With sparse straightforward text, Dyckman tells a charming story of friendship (and robots). Yaccarino's brightly colored illustrations help the story off the page as Boy and Bot try to help each other with often humorous results.

With repeating text and large illustrations (not to mention the symmetry of the story) Boy + Bot is a great choice to read aloud. Sure to be enjoyed by readers young and old.

Possible Pairings: Little Beauty by Anthony Browne, Clink by Kelly DiPucchio and Matthew Myers, A Day with Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce, The Monsters' Monster by Patrick McDonnell, A Home for Bird by Phillip C. Stead