A review by philososquid
Superior: The Return of Race Science by Angela Saini


As a scientist, this book was a really important read. It goes through a lot of the history of "race" in science -- I put it in quotes because there is no such thing as a biological race (but there is such thing as cultural/societal race!). Angela Saini makes it abundantly clear that, for centuries, scientists have been trying to prove a genetic basis to race, others trying to disprove it, and the end result is there is NO evidence that race is biological.

Angela goes through several problems that exist in science to this day, including scientists often "adjusting for race" in their results, despite the fact that there is no clear definition of race. Scientists keep reaching for more abstract and out-there theories to show that race does in fact exist, only to keep coming up empty-handed. She concludes that they keep reaching, but one day, there will be nothing left to reach for.

I really enjoyed the different examples and interviews Angela included in this text. She got a lot of different opinions and perspectives, and showed her opinions too. My favorite part of the book is when Angela suggests that we should be less concerned with our genes, and where our ancestors originated. We should instead focus on 'our actions, the choices we make, and the way we treat each other.'