A review by titanic
Doll Bones by Holly Black


I expected this book to be a lot more childish than it was, it had two important messages, in my opinion, don't change yourself because some else is forcing you and friendships are important. The vibes this book gave off were very Roald Dahl, the whole 'children go on an adventure' reminded me a lot of his books, and the childlike horror that this book implies slightly tips that book onto Roald Dahl's creepier writing, Skin and Other Stories.

The author did a brilliant job and making this book a horror but a child horror, making it acceptable for children to read and, most likely, feel some fear, but not cry and throw the book away. However, I feel like she could have done a better job on the two female characters because, for the life of me, I couldn't tell them apart. They reminded me of each other even though the author clearly described them differently, so maybe that's my fault.

The book was cute and felt really smooth to read. A soft, enjoyable read that entertained me for a few hours before moving onto another book. I'd say this book would be good for children who'd want to read horror, but might not yet be ready for it, let them try this out, for an eighteen-year-old who's scared of sudden noises and the middle of the night, this book wasn't terrifying, but I'm not a seven-year-old kid.