A review by alexga
Fall of Ruin and Wrath by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Did not finish book.


Dnf 16%

The writing is abominable. And you don't have to read a lot of chapters to come to this conclusion. Chapter 3 and 4 are great examples of it.

I grinned as I caught sight of Gerold, one fo the stable grooms, slumbering propped against the wall, legs spread wide in the straw. Seeing empty bottle of whiskey between his thighs, I cracked a grin.
It's not even lazy writing, it's word pollution.

A fine layer of sweat dotted my forehead as I squeezed between the opening and then forced the door closed behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I ran my hands over the doors as I scanned the shadowy two front stalls of the center aisle. I found the latch and threw it, realizing that the dull light was coming from the back.
This syntax system reads terribly in my opinion, I can't exactly put my finger on as to why.

Then we have this gem which is not significant from writing standpoint but for other reasons.
He breathed, but barely. I didn't see how, with all the blood coursing from the wounds. So much red. Crimson streaked his chest, flowing in rivers that followed the . . . the rather defined lines of his chest and stomach. His pants were made of some sort of soft leather, and they hung low enough on his hips that I could see the stabs of muscles on either side of his hips and-
Okay, what in the world was I doing, staring that intensely at a man while he lay unconscious, impaled to a wooden table
There was something wrong with me.

Love the self-reflection but it did nothing to lessen how inappropriate you were considering that he is literally bleeding to death. Now is not the time, sis.

“Attempting to capture . . . me was a bad choice to . . . make.” His voice was so soft yet so cold, it sent a chill of dread down my spine. “But striking her?”
My blood-tinged lips parted as the Lord lifted the mortal off the floor, unperturbed as Weber beat at the arm holding him up.
“That was a fatal mistake,” the Hyhborn snarled.

Okay, cringelord.

I wasn’t sure he actually did, so when I rose, I stood behind him. I kept my gaze trained on his back as he unsteadily shucked off his pants, and I stepped aside once he finished and pushed off the sink. He took a step and began to sway again. I caught him, folding an arm around his waist. My hand flattened against his stomach, and I tensed.
Was it really necessary to describe every step each of them took in detail? I mean, you do you but again, word pollution.

And don't even get me started on amount of ellipses used in this book.
Prologue - 7 pages - 13 ellipses
Ch. 1 - 8 pages - 10 ellipses
Ch. 2 - 7 pages - 5 ellipses
Ch. 3 - 9 pages - 9 ellipses
Ch. 4 - 10 pages - 53 ellipses . You may argue that most of them were used in order to emphasize "lord's" inability to speak due to his injuries. But, first of all, 16 of ellipses were not used in his dialogue. And second of all, there are other ways to show readers that one character has trouble speaking. But word pollution was not enough, we had to resort to symbol pollution too.

Now, what really caused me to drop this book was the bathing scene. 1) she did not need to bathe him, he could have, I don't know, sat in the shower? Kept standing with one hand on the wall and using another to wash himself? 2) she definitely did not need to get naked for it, 3) bruh, I know you suffer from touch deficiency but did you really need to get all touchy feely with a dude who just grew his eyeballs out and was dying like 5 minutes ago?

Also, why is there no sense of urgency? The moment this lord regained conciousness they fought it out, then spent some time apologizing to each other. Don't you need to, I don't know, flee? No surprise one of the abducters showed up. Then they broke into another person's house and again, were just chilling.

Basically, you can sum this book up by "Sis was horny. Author needed to meet word count"