A review by kn0tp0rk
The Portable Atheist by Christopher Hitchens


TW// Racism

It's okay.

There were some authors in here who I've been meaning to read, so it was nice to get a chance to read their works.

Why I'm saying this was just okay? Most of these pieces were criticisms of Christianity. To me, there was a lack of diversity in subject matter. Some contributions touched on Islam. There were brief mentions of Buddhism and Hinduism that left a lot to be desired. The pieces got repetitive. Some were way too long. Some of the scientific speech got overwhelming, though it did interest me to learn more about cosmology. There were points towards page 400 where I wanted to stop reading just because...I didn't care anymore (or maybe I was sleepy. I do have a sleep disorder).

Some of the authors I feel should not have been included, for example, Lovecraft. He had a cat named Nigger. Do we really give a shit what he had to say about his nonbelief?? I know not everyone is going to have a clean record, but ehhhh.

If you haven't consumed any kind of religious criticism, you may be more apt to find this one interesting, but I was already familiar with many of the concepts touched upon concerning Christianity and Islam.

-1 for not including any of Marquis de Sade's character monologs in which they argue against religion, god, an afterlife, etc