A review by kymreads
Delayed Call by Toni Aleo


The story begins with Vaughn Johansson who is the Assassins' star player and has the ego to match. He is beyond bold and cocky! Brie Soledad is a staff reporter for the team and carries the responsibility of her Down syndrome younger brother and financial burden of paying her deceased mother's medical bills. Life has not been served on a silver platter to Brie. But Brie is no doormat - she is a strong, confident woman.

In the beginning, Vaughn and Brie are at odds with one another. He is very rude to her and she finds his cockiness extremely irritating. She can hold her own for the most part and in fact, has quite a few comebacks that are hilarious and shows she can think quickly on her feet.

Vaughn has a lot of hidden layers and uses his public persona to hold people away from his true personality which, at times, backfires in his relationship with Brie. It's an emotional rollercoaster for Brie both by what Vaughn says and doesn't say, and by what he does.

Brie is a lot more open - what you see is what you get. She knows what she wants in life and isn't afraid to make her wishes known. She tell Vaughn exactly what she expects and how she's been hurt before and doesn't want that again.

In the end, Vaughn come through with Brie in a big romantic way that is swoon worthy! And the supporting characters? I can't wait to read Jensen and Wren's story!

This book was received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review