A review by clarks_dad
Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo Adventure by Greg Rucka


A fun, short read. I've seen this categorized as YA fiction...if that's true, it's one of the better written books in the genre that I've read in a while. Then again, it is Rucka. Rucka manages to capture the atmosphere of Star Wars perfectly in this short tale. Smuggler's Run takes place between episodes IV and V—a clever bit of backstory to the "Bounty hunter we ran in to on Ord Mantell..." problems Han mentions in Empire Strikes Back. (And yes, I know the story doesn't take place on Ord Mantell and this is not the incident to which Han referred, but it does elaborate a bit upon the growing troubles his debt to Jabba are to cause him in the future.)

Han and Chewie agree to do Leia one last favor before striking out to settle their debts with Jabba. A key member of the rebellion has had his cover blown and finds himself in a shrinking Imperial net. Han and Chewie are to locate the spy and extract him from under the Imperials' noses.

Smuggler's Run doesn't do much to recharacterize or update the new Disney canon in any significant way. If you've seen Episode VII, there's some clever groundwork laid for the money troubles Han has when we see him again 30 years after Endor, but that's about it. Like most of the works to come out of Disney's EU factory, this one feels more like elaborate marketing and opportunism than story or character development. At least this time it was competently written. Still, rather forgettable. Read only if you need a quick Star Wars fix while waiting for Rogue One or the next saga film.