A review by sfletcher26
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man by Mary L. Trump


I love reading about politics and I especially love reading about American Politics, which, when I come from the UK, could be considered a bit odd. Many of my friends often ask why I read so much about American politics when we have more than enough to keep us entertained here in the UK? And it's true there is plenty to keep me entertained about UK politics; probably too much. If I'm honest part of the reason is as much to do with schadenfreude as anything else. It's the realisation that though we have our own idiot PM he's never going to be as bad as the idiot in chief the states have (it is a close run thing I know).

Trump (DJT) has been called many things, narcissist, illogical, petty, ignorant, arrogant, selfish and mentally ill and he is many, if not most of these things. To call him mentally ill though is possibly the least helpful because, in some small way, it absolves him of the responsibility for his behaviour

In this book, Mary Trump, (one of DJTs nieces) a psychologists looks at the role the Trump family and in particular the Trump patriarch, Fred Trump, had to play in the formation of DJT's personality and how this plays out in the world today.

The book is an easy read though suffers in that it does jump around a wee bit and is in places somewhat repetitive. In an 600 page book this wouldn't be too much of a problem but in a 200 page book is more of an issue.

Overall an interesting book but probably doesn't really paint a different picture from any we've seen before.