A review by kellyxmen
Moods Of Future Joys by Alastair Humphreys


Call me fickle.

Before I started reading this book, I was certain that I would be excited to read the sequel.

I ended up getting through about 75% of it before I started skimming hardcore -- I read about 10 words a page, racing to the end as though there would be a prize waiting for me for flipping through the pages!

I didn't like how this privileged white man acted as though he was doing something brave and arduous for which he deserved attention and applause when really, he was taking a gap year.

Granted, the way that he traveled was not the most comfortable and required tremendous physical activity.

Granted, the way that he traveled imposed some risks...

But I cannot bring myself to admire him.

At the end of the day, he isn't doing anything heroic -- he's taking a goddamn vacation.

And the adventure? I think if you're looking for a taste of real adventure, Tommy Caldwell's "The Push" would be a better choice.

It was honestly quite boring. It felt like reading a well-written diary -- it's the sort of content that is most of interest to the person writing it. It also felt like listening to a white man coming home from his gap year, who is now so cultured and has so many tales to share and who cannot stop blabbering to you about that one time in Ethiopia.

It was interesting, however, to read about his thinking process. I liked learning about the inspiration behind this undertaking and the mechanisms of planning and executing such a project.

My wish to read about athleticism and adventure was not fulfilled, but my curiosity has been satisfied!