A review by ela_lee_
Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski


This is the first formal sexual education book I’ve ever read, and it proved that I (we) really don’t know as much about sex as we thought. “You were taught to value and expect something from your sexuality that does not match what your sexuality actually is. You were told a story about what would happen in your sexual life, and that story was false. You were lied to.” The main thing I’ll remember from this book is just how much our culture, society, families, and religions drill the wrong story of a “normal” sex life into our heads. In fact, the narrative we’ve been subconsciously taught is essentially the complete OPPOSITE of a truly happy, confident, and fulfilling sex life.

This book is broken down into sections such as: “no two alike,” “brakes and accelerator,” context, non-concordance arousal, and responsive desire. The author is very enthusiastic and seems like a great teacher. She is conversational, yet scientific, and speaks about sex is such a casual, magical, and unawkward way. Anyone who has sex should definitely read this book, regardless if you’re looking to “improve” or “decipher” your sexual life. I always knew that we were taught about sex veering on the side of mens' pleasure and decisions, but this book really proves the inaccuracies of basically ALL public sexual depictions.

“For many of us, the goals we have in mind - such as spontaneous desire or orgasm with intercourse - are not goals we have chosen consciously for ourselves. We absorbed them from our culture in the form of sexual scripts. These scripts provide the structure for the beliefs through which we interpret the sexual world. These scripts, too often, are barriers between us and joy.”