A review by 3rian
A Separation by Katie Kitamura


Whew. Direct, compelling writing about the end of a marriage. There’s also a mystery of sorts that becomes more about implications and impacts than the situation itself. I’m not sure how to describe it without spoiling anything other than to say that the author has an incredible knack for exploring the unspoken thoughts that inform interpersonal dynamics. I was especially impressed by an extended scene where the narrator is observing a heated interaction from a distance. She doesn’t speak the language but creates her own convincing (and elaborate!) interpretation based on body language and her own biased projections. Unusual and mesmerizing to read.

The story itself is a slow burn and none of the characters are particularly likable. Still, I took my time and immersed myself within the novel’s thoughtful meditative reflections on intimacy, trust, and betrayal. Similar to my experience with her novel [b:Intimacies|55918474|Intimacies|Katie Kitamura|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1605570704l/55918474._SX50_.jpg|87129689], this one is more about the mood but is still excellent storytelling that's worth a look.