A review by claire60
Aurora by Emma L. McGeown


Read this is one sitting, it was so refreshing to have a lesbian story set in the UK! Apparently, its a trope to have stories where one character loses their memory but this is the first one I've read, (although I have seen the Vow). In this story, Elena wakes up in hospital having been hit by a bus with no memory of the last 8 years, which includes her wife Jax and son Jamie. I thought I knew where this book was going to take me but we went off in a direction I wasn't expecting, that was more painful to read but also much more realistic. I was gripped form the beginning and the author does a great job of moving the story long. The characters are believable including Jax's best friend Greg who is a trans man and one of the more authentic portrayals I've read in fiction. Elena's relationship with her sister Cat is also realistic, fights and all. Really enjoyed this book and especially the UK setting, it gets an extra star for that alone, its about time...

With thanks to the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.