A review by ashleyhubbard
Swan Songs of Cygnus: The Weight of Black Holes by Vincent Hollow


I received a copy of Swan Songs of Cygnus: The Weight of Black Holes in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are, of course, my own.

Swan Songs Of Cygnus: The Weight Of Black Holes by Vincent Hollow is a collection of narrative poetry in which the poet is an astro-poet. 

The book of poetry follows a storyline and is presented in a narrative lyrical structure. The story goes – an astronaut mourns the death of his beloved and in an act of grief, signs up for a mission to space to reunite with the ghost of his love. The story takes the reader on a deep and emotional journey through space.

I've never read poetry like this before with an almost book-like plot to it, with beautifully paired artwork and design.