A review by serendipity_viv
By Midnight, by Mia James


As soon as I discovered that this book was set in Highgate Cemetery I had to read it. Highgate Cemetery is just one of those places that is a character in itself and one I am desperate to visit. This book did not disappoint in giving it its own omnipresent character status, looming supernaturally over the whole story, shrouding it within darkness and weaving ghostly threads throughout the whole book.

This book has the creep factor, leaving you shivering at the thought of it. I loved the fact that it was a vampire book set in the UK for a change and I am really pleased to see that it can be pulled off and feels authentic. Mia James has managed to give this book a Gothic Victorian atmosphere in modern day London.

Mia is a bit like Buffy but with a twist. This book is definitely more Buffy than Twilight. She begins the book as a typical teenager with all the anger against her parents for spoiling her social life. Yet as the book progresses, Mia has to do a lot of growing up very quickly, as events take a serious and sinister turn.

Ravenwood has just as much presence as Highgate Cemetery and probably wouldn't be my first choice of school for my kids. Eeep!

The tension within the story builds with each following chapters and you begin to feel a little fearful for Mia's safety. However Gabriel is on hand to sweep her off to safety and actually gives 'love conquers all' a whole new meaning. Definitely one to make your heart leap. Although I did struggle a bit with the instant love between them.

This book has some surprising twists and turns throughout the book and as I neared the end, I began to panic as I could not see how it would end happily. So much seemed left unsaid and then...... Bam! The true identity of the murderer is revealed. Safe at last.

I did enjoy reading this book and feel quite at home in its dark and stifling atmosphere. I am really looking forward to the second book in the series 'Darkness Falls' which comes out very soon.