A review by rlaferney
Star Wars After Lucas: A Critical Guide to the Future of the Galaxy by Dan Golding


This is a thoughtful, well-informed series of essays that focuses on the first few years of the Star Wars franchise in the Disney era, combining critical accounts of the new films with discussions of media industries, fandom, and questions of franchising and legacy film-making. I really enjoyed Golding's analysis of the emergence of Legacy Films and how the sequels operate in this specific genre of film. I also loved his exploration of how Disney era Star Wars has utilized nostalgia to its benefit and detriment. The Force Awakens, Rogue One, Rebels, and The Last Jedi are all discussed in great length with a brief mention of Solo. As wonderful as this book is, it lacks cohesion, as it would be fitting to end this book with a chapter dedicated to an analysis of The Rise of Skywalker (which I would love to read Golding's analysis of).