A review by thomasgoddard
The Courage Consort by Michel Faber


This is a really quick one to review because it is so short that saying much would utterly spoil it.

A group of singers are given a space to rehearse a difficult piece of music for an upcoming performance at a festival. Thereafter it is really just an exploration of their relationships with each other and the occasional eerie cries that come in the middle of the night.

I really liked the book for its exploration of the relationships, but the plot was just... well, there wasn’t one. It was just a strange book. Elegantly written. Skilfully drawn environment and atmosphere. Characters pretty well fleshed out, with a few exceptions.

I think this would have worked as a short story, could have been boiled down and condensed into a much tighter space for a much more successful pop.

Still, I’d recommend this if you’ve got a spare three hours to kill and have an interest in music.