A review by quirkylitlover
Paralyzed by Alana Terry


Paralyzed is the second book in the Kennedy Stern Christian Suspense series, which I did not realize until after I started reading it. However, I feel that I was able to gain enough background knowledge to understand the basics of what happened in the first novel. I found this book to be intensely suspenseful and fast-paced. I enjoyed Kennedy's story and could somewhat relate to the struggles that she faced as she tried to return to living a normal life. However, it becomes increasingly difficult for her to live as a normal college student because as the story progresses she faces another set of challenges.

I appreciate the fact that Alana Terry tackles some difficult and controversial issues in this novel. That's something that I don't see very often in the Christian novels that I read. There are times throughout the book when Kennedy questions and reaffirms her faith in God. Despite this I wish that her faith had played a larger role throughout.

This was the first book I've read by this author, but I will definitely be seeking out more.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.