A review by arthur_pendrgn
Theodore Boone: The Activist by John Grisham


1. Percy wanted to call his mom after being bit but he should not have had a cell phone as the next chapter mentions that Major forbids them.
2. Theo's reaction to his suspension as Falcon leader is both understandable and realistic. I like that it makes the perfect Theo more normal.
3. Ike had addressed his past troubles in "The Accused." His comments in Chapter 11 are not the first time as Grisham states.
4. Governor Waffler's name is perfect.
5. Riding a bike with a leashed dog running next to it seems dangerous. I know it's a device to get Judge to the scene of the crime, but still. What happened to Judge was awful. What confuses me is that the men did not point out that Judge had attacked them. They could have gone with self-defense. It seems unlikely that Theo would forget about the vet appointment in Ch. 21.
6. Why is an asthmatic allowed to do individual sports--bike, hike, swim--but not team sports? Theo's attitude towards this seems to flipflop.
7. Having been subjected to a soccer complex in a similar situation to that described in this book, the pollution, noise, and traffic risks are real. What I also wonder is how they would do all of the construction during school if the bypass is only 100 yards from the school. The noise and dust would be awful. How would buses and parents get through? Could they get it all done during the summer?
8. Pancakes and sausage aren't difficult to cook, gentlemen. Why wait for Mom to do all of the cooking? (And does this family not own a microwave?)
9. Considering they hacked the files in the last book, Ike is hypocritical in Ch. 23.

Overall, I did like this book more than the others. Flat characters gain a little more depth, the issue is still timely (nearly 10 years later), and Grisham does present both sides. Admittedly, he favors the environmental side.