A review by crowyhead
Haunter of the Dark: And Other Grotesque Visions by H.P. Lovecraft, Alan Moore


This is a graphic novel by John Coulthart.

This just really didn't do much for me. Coulthart, whose style owes much to H. R. Giger, has a talent for drawing the grotesque, but his renditions of The Haunter of the Dark and Call of Cthulu (particularly the former) would be extremely difficult to understand if the reader wasn't already familiar with the stories, especially since the lettering is annoyingly difficult to decifer. The illustrations for The Dunwich Horror show much more promise, but this may be because the work is incomplete and had not been lettered. While his monsters flow and squirm nicely, his human figures are wooden and tend toward all looking very similar. The included "kabbalah of Lovecraft’s gods with accompanying evocations by Alan Moore" is a bunch of pretty cool illustrations accompanied by complete drivel.