A review by zbmorgan
Rising Strong by Brené Brown


Brown offers both a shot of 'you can do it' and tough love in her book about looking at our failures, short-comings, mishaps, and tragedies and how we handle them. Much of her suggestion to handle adversity is to take a moment to take stock of why you're feeling how you're feeling (angry, disappointed, confused, etc - but on a large scale, as some of the examples she offers are true losses, not just a bad day). This isn't a concise how-to-get-over-bad-things book, it's more of a self-examination-is-going-to-make-you-a-better-stronger-person book. She sometimes wanders to much into stories of her own musings, which is the only thing that prevented me from giving it five stars, but on the whole, if you want to begin a path of self-examination, this is a great book to start with. Getting back up after life knocks you down isn't a skill everyone is born with.