A review by e_funk44
All Through the Night by Connie Brockway


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Ummmmmmmmm why did I just waste hours of my life on this book??? Let me just say I wasn't expecting a lot out of this book. I was expecting a light cheesy romance novel but I didn't even get that. This book is one of the most boring-est I have ever read. These reviews are so misleading so here is a very honest one.

Okay so the premise was SO promising. I mean a women who flies across the rooftops of 19th century London and robs from people who have done her wrong?! Sounds awesome right? Then you add in a government spy who is trying to find her. Oooo exciting. Except, the summary totally LIED. She only robs someone ONCE in the first chapter! I mean technically she does at the end but its not even in detail. More about this below.

Okay let me back up and add more to the plot. So "thief" by night and deeply troubled and lonely widow by day, Anne Wilder is a chaperone to her cousin (?) during her season. A night time robbery goes wrong when she ends up in a trap set by the devilishly handsome Colonel Jack Seward who has impossibly straight posture and impeccable manners. Seriously if I had a dollar for every time I had to hear about his perfect posture and good manners I could pay off my student loans. When they meet it is instant lust and they just want each other so badly. She escapes and now he's more hell bent on finding her yada yada yada. (Side note, Jack is sent to find who this thief is by his evil and abusive father)

Jack is navigating the ball room scene to try and find the thief when he stumbles across the beautiful widow with the prettiest indigo eyes. He quickly falls head over heels with the woman (conflicted over his love for her and his lust for the thief) not knowing that they're the same person. Meanwhile, Anne is trying to stay away from the Colonol but can't because....umm actually I don't know why. I think it's because she feels something that she never felt before?

The opening scene was really good and the rest was......so. Boring. It started out action packed with her robbing someone and then meeting Jack and I'm like yes BUT THEN SHE DOESN'T ROB SOMEONE OR CLIMB ROOFTOPS FOR THE NEXT HUNDRED OR SO PAGES!!!! No scratch that, when she does go out back on the rooftops THE ONE TIME it isn't to even rob someone but to go find her man. LIKE WTF! And when she does go out to rob someone at the very end of the book we don't even get any detail of it *throws book in frustration*

So what happened the rest of the book? NOTHING! Absolutely nothing! It was filled with them chit chatting at ballrooms and having (un)witty banter back and forth while both of them are struggling with their emotions. These scenes were so dull and so so boring.

I didn't find their love to be...hmm I don't know how to say this...I wasn't invested in it AT ALL. I could have cared less if they ended up with each other. I also found his obsession of her and his obsession for revenge on her (which doesn't make sense and is totally out of line) sick and just not right.

Also, I found this super disturbing. Unfortunately I have deleted the book from my device and can't look up the direct quote or anything but right before their sexy time scene he talks about how he would rape her if he had to because he needed her sooo badly. Ummm excuse me?! When I read that line I just had it. I should have dnf'd it at that moment.

All in all this was awful and so disappointing. I was expecting something more action packed and light and fun. Someone said in their review that this was the best game of cat and mouse. Yah, no. Definitely not in my perspective. Don't waste your time on this one. I have read lots of better written, exciting and interesting cliche romance novels than this one.